Spring is here, the sunshine is here and the news are out‼️
YOU are the lucky Erasmus Students that will participate in the first ever Sports Week.
So, what is a Sports Week about you may ask⁉️
Well, the hustling never stops in #thesserasmus and we thought what a better way to train our bodies and minds during this spring.
And here you have it: an array of fun, informative and inclusive sports events for you to enjoy and above all highlight that Erasmus is so much more than parties!

Tuesday 26/03
15:30-17:30 Erasmus F.C. vs Civil Engineering by ESN Thessaloniki
20:00-00:00 Tandem: Be healthy, be fit! by ESN Thessaloniki

Wednesday 27/03
15:00-16:00 Yoga Practise by ESN Thessaloniki

Thursday 28/03
15:30-17:00 Erasmus Men V.C. vs Veterinary by ESN Thessaloniki
18:00-20:00 Intoduction to First Aid by ESN Thessaloniki

Friday 29/03

15:30-17:00 Erasmus Women V.C. vs Extra Burgers by ESN Thessaloniki
17:00-20:00 Erasmus Games by ESN Thessaloniki

Saturday 30/03
21:00-00:00 Erasmus Movie Night by ESN Thessaloniki

Sunday 31/03
Kavala Hiking & Exploring Trip by ESN Thessaloniki

Please note:
This event was organized by members of ESN UOM Thessaloniki, ESN AUTH and ESN ATEITH to help you get the most out of your Erasmus life! All ESN events are non-profit and are organized by students for students on a voluntary basis.

ESN carries no responsibility in case of damage caused to oneself, third parties, any person or things which might occur in the activity’s context or in any other initiative developed by the above-mentioned association

26/03/2019 - 09:00 to 31/03/2019 - 22:00