ESN goes to Museum!

Would you like to learn more about our beautiful country? Would you also like to discover the secrets of our history? Then follow ESN on this first little tour of the museums during this second week of March! And it's free!

WHEN?: Wednesday 09/03 at 11:00 a.m. precise!

WHERE?: Archaeological Museum & Byzantine Museum of Culture!

MEETING POINT? Open area in front of the Skyline (next to Thessaloniki International Fair).

HOW MUCH? For those under 25 years old: it's FREE!! For those above 26 years old or Non-Europeans: 8€

DEADLINE to register: 08/03 at 12:00

Registration = participation If you want to participate please fill the following form:

Tickets will be booked in advance, so we kindly ask you to only register if you are absolutely sure of coming! Please only cancel in case of exceptional reasons! Keep in mind that there are limited spots available so don't wait too long to register. You can trust us, it'll be fun! See you there! Covid restrictions: • Certificate of vaccination/recovery • ID card In order to follow all COVID-19 measures, all attendees are required to wear a mask and follow correct procedures.


All events will abide by the COVID-19 rules and regulations. This event was organized by members of ESN UOM Thessaloniki, ESN AUTH and ESN IHU to help you get the most out of your Erasmus life! All ESN events are non-profit and are organized by students for students on a voluntary basis. The event will be photo and video recorded. When attending this event you agree on the collection and on the processing of your personal data and on the publication of the photos and video recordings. The event publication of the recordings will be on a publicly available website. The consent to the processing of Data may be revoked by sending an email at the DPO of ESN Greece ([email protected]).

09/03/2022 - 11:00