Greece is ranked 14th on the map with countries of Europe, based on the quality of life for an LGBTQ+ person. But how is this reflected in greek society? And what's the situation in your country?

What a better way to spend your Tuesday afternoon than a chill coffee and a constructive conversation with your new family?

WHERE: Bonbonella
WHEN: 19:00

#causewecan #leaveyourmark

Please note:

This event was organised by members of ESN AUTH, ESN IHU Thessaloniki, ESN UOM Thessaloniki to help you get the most out of your Erasmus life!

All ESN events are non-profit and are organised by students for students on a voluntary basis.

ESN carries no responsibility in case of damage caused to oneself, third parties, any person or things, which might occur in the activity’s context or in any other initiative developed by the above mentioned association.

26/11/2019 - 19:00 to 22:00