You would probably have seen people moving their hands, exchanging signs, using their face and body in order to communicate. It is called Sign Language and it is considered to be the legal language for the Deaf and for people with hearing problems.

The main question is how interacting in sign language can be achieved? What are the difficulties in communicating in such way and which are the basics someone can learn in order to interact with someone with hearing problems?

NOW it’s your chance to answer all these questions and come one step closer to the Deafs’ world.
Greek Sign Language Workshop ongoing!!

What exactly is going to be held?
In a highly interactive environment, you’ll learn to sign numbers, the letters of the alphabet and commonly used words and phrases. What’s more, you’ll have the chance to find out how carry out a simple conversation in sign language, learn more about the Deaf and their culture. Group activities and games based on Greek Sign Language (GSL) will follow to enhance interaction and communication between participants.

#gsl #greeksignlanguage #allequalthroughdiversity #leaveyourmark

Please note:

This event was organised by members of ESN AUTH, ESN IHU Thessaloniki, ESN UOM Thessaloniki to help you get the most out of your Erasmus life! ♥

All ESN events are non-profit and are organised by students for students on a voluntary basis.

ESN carries no responsibility in case of damage caused to oneself, third parties, any person or things, which might occur in the activity’s context or in any other initiative developed by the above mentioned association.

22/11/2019 - 18:00 to 20:00
  • Everyone is invited.